
Rounds time into nearest quarter up or down, half up or down based on argument passed.
Accepts and returns time as string in format of HH:MM
RoundType can be one of below
1 : shift the minutes up to quarters
2 : shift the minutes down to quarters
3 : shift the minutes to quarters up or down depend upon the minutes no
4 : shift the minutes up to halves
5 : shift the minutes down to halves
6 : shift the minutes to halves up or down depend upon the minutes no

Might need some testing

What is this?


Not Tested

Original Work
Function RoundMinutes(RoundType, InputHourMinute)
' Returns the Hour:Minute after rounding input
' Input string expected to be in HH:MM
' InputHourMinute : the hour:minute
' RoundType : then identifier
' 1 : shift the minutes up to quarters
' 2 : shift the minutes down to quarters
' 3 : shift the minutes to quarters up or down depend upon the minutes no
' 4 : shift the minutes up to halves
' 5 : shift the minutes down to halves
' 6 : shift the minutes to halves up or down depend upon the minutes no

HourNo = CInt(Left(InputHourMinute, instr(1, InputHourMinute, ":")-1))
MinuteNo = CInt(Mid(InputHourMinute, instr(1, InputHourMinute, ":")+1, 500))
Select Case RoundType
Case 1 ' Quarters up
If MinuteNo - 15 < 0 Then MinuteNo = 15
If MinuteNo > 15 And MinuteNo < 30 Then MinuteNo = 30
If MinuteNo > 30 And MinuteNo < 45 Then MinuteNo = 45
If MinuteNo > 45 Then MinuteNo = 0: HourNo = HourNo + 1
Case 2 ' Quarters down
If MinuteNo - 15 < 0 Then MinuteNo = 0
If MinuteNo >= 15 And MinuteNo < 30 Then MinuteNo = 15
If MinuteNo >= 30 And MinuteNo < 45 Then MinuteNo = 30
If MinuteNo >= 45 Then MinuteNo = 45
Case 3 ' Quarters manage
If MinuteNo < 8 Then
MinuteNo = 0
ElseIf (MinuteNo >= 8 And MinuteNo <= 15) Or (MinuteNo > 15 And MinuteNo < 23) Then
MinuteNo = 15
ElseIf (MinuteNo >= 23 And MinuteNo <= 30) Or (MinuteNo > 30 And MinuteNo < 38) Then
MinuteNo = 30
ElseIf (MinuteNo >= 38 And MinuteNo <= 45) Or (MinuteNo > 45 And MinuteNo < 53) Then
MinuteNo = 45
ElseIf MinuteNo >= 53 Then
MinuteNo = 0
HourNo = HourNo + 1
End If
Case 4 ' halves up
If MinuteNo > 0 And MinuteNo < 30 Then
MinuteNo = 30
ElseIf MinuteNo > 30 And MinuteNo <= 59 Then
MinuteNo = 0
HourNo = HourNo + 1
End If
Case 5 ' halves down
If MinuteNo < 30 Then
MinuteNo = 0
ElseIf MinuteNo > 30 And MinuteNo <= 59 Then
MinuteNo = 30
End If
Case 6 ' halves manage
If MinuteNo <= 15 Then
MinuteNo = 0
ElseIf MinuteNo > 15 And MinuteNo < 30 Then
MinuteNo = 30
ElseIf MinuteNo > 30 And MinuteNo <= 45 Then
MinuteNo = 30
ElseIf MinuteNo > 45 Then
MinuteNo = 0
HourNo = HourNo + 1
End If
End Select
RoundMinutes = HourNo & ":" & MinuteNo
End Function

RoundType, InputHourMinute

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